If you are striving to lead a life where you excel in everything you do, there are certain keys to help you achieve this. You do want to remember though, that while you can commit to excellence, nobody is perfect.  The following are the top key steps you can put into action to help you excel in all areas of your life.

  1. The Key of Integrity – when you display integrity you are demonstrating your personal values by everything that you do and say. A person who shows integrity is said to be a sincere person.If you want to display integrity, then you have to do what you say. Never say one thing and then do something completely different. A sincere person feels wonderful about themselves and this spills over to other people around you. They will begin to trust and respect you and this helps to build fantastic relationships.
  1. The Key of Learning From Your Mistakes – This isn’t always easy to do. To do this key step successfully you need to look at your failures from a different viewpoint. Start looking at your failures as something that you can learn and grow from.All this really means is that you have to stop thinking of any failure as a negative thing. Don’t put yourself down if you happen to fail at something, remember that at least you made the effort to try.The next time you fail, look at the steps you took and see what you could have changed to have turned this into a success. As long as you learn something from your failure, then you have truly not failed at all.
  1. The Key of Thinking Before You Speak – Oh geeeez, I am probably guilty of this… How many times have you spoken before you thought about what you were saying? Probably too many times, and you have regretted your quick response.Spoken words are full of different meanings. It is very easy to speak in a kind and sincere fashion, but it is also easy to speak in anger and hurt another person deeply. These words could become ones that you regret for the rest of your life.Always consider what you are going to say to someone, especially in a stressful situation. Be mindful of what another person may be going through. It can help to place yourself in their shoes for a minute and look at the situation from a new point of view.When you think before you speak you will realize if your words will help build confidence in a person, or if you may be putting them down. While it never hurts to give words of advice, do it in a way that doesn’t offend someone.Always speak to others with good intentions in mind. This will help you build a healthy relationship with them. You will also earn their respect and trust, and this is very important.

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