
Adrenal Dessicated pm

Original price was: $66.00.Current price is: $58.00.

Adrenal Desiccated Glandular Formula

The use of an Adrenal Glandular is another option for supporting lowered adrenal function. Glandular therapy helps organs – like the adrenal gland – maintain a healthy state. Bovine adrenal is used in Dr. Tennant’s® Adrenal Desiccated Glandular Formula to provide concentrated nutrients that are especially supportive to their parallel tissues in the human body. Each capsule contains 200mg of Bovine Adrenal.

120 vegetarian capsules


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Desiccated Adrenal

The use of an Adrenal Glandular is another option for supporting lowered adrenal function.

The use of glandular therapy has a long history of use in many cultures as support for weakened glands. The basic premise in glandular therapy is that glands from animals will have a healthy effect on the same glands in humans.

Glandular therapy helps organs – like the adrenal gland – maintain a healthy state. Bovine adrenal is used in Dr. Tennant’s Desiccated Adrenal to provide concentrated nutrients that are especially supportive to their parallel tissues in the human body.

These extracts contain all of the nutritional fundamentals, co-factors, and hormones present in the organ. This can be considered a complete nutritional supplement for adrenal gland support.


  • Contains nutritional components of the bovine adrenal glands, which help the adrenal glands adapt and manage stress.
  • Provides powerful short-term adrenal support for immediate energy needs.
  • Supports immune system function, which can be compromised with adrenal fatigue.
  • Promotes endocrine health and normal cellular function.

One to three capsules can be taken with breakfast and lunch. If you take too much, you will feel jittery and then need to reduce the amount taken.

NOTE:  When using Desiccated Adrenal, monitor your blood pressure. If your top reading is above   

             140, stop taking this product immediately.


The adrenal glands are small walnut-sized glands that are located above the kidneys. These glands produce several key hormones that control almost every function in the body.

The adrenal glands are two glands in one and each has different functions in the body. The inner adrenal glands make adrenalin. Adrenalin controls body temperature, the bottom number of blood pressure readings, the speed of pulse, the ability to deal with stress, the ability to multitask, memory, sexual function, and many other things.



Adrenal Desiccated Glandular Formula

The use of an Adrenal Glandular is another option for supporting lowered adrenal function. Glandular therapy helps organs – like the adrenal gland – maintain a healthy state. Bovine adrenal is used in Dr. Tennant’s® Adrenal Desiccated Glandular Formula to provide concentrated nutrients that are especially supportive to their parallel tissues in the human body. Each capsule contains 200mg of Bovine Adrenal.

120 vegetarian capsules

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