9 Ways to Simplify Your Day

Our days seem to fill up quickly, leaving us distracted and stressed. It’s challenging to be happy and healthy when chronically stressed. One solution is to simplify your day.

By following a few easy rules, you can simplify your day and remove a lot of the stress that you may be experiencing.

Change can be easier when implemented in steps. For best results, take some time to put these techniques into action. Get used to using one strategy and then move on to another to seamlessly incorporate these changes into your life.

Follow these steps, and your days will be more enjoyable:

  1. Consider what’s most important. Simplifying anything always starts with determining what is most important and figuring out how to eliminate the rest.

What are the 4 or 5 most important things in your life? Make a list.

Now, think about your activities, tasks, and commitments that are congruent with your list.

Start eliminating the items that fail to support your priorities.

  1. Know what your perfect day looks like. It’s hard to achieve something if you’re lacking a target. So, visualize your perfect day. Everyone’s perfect day is different, but try to understand what yours looks like.


  1. It’s okay to say “no.” When faced with opportunities to add activities to your life, consider your priorities list. If a new activity doesn’t fit with your list, just say “no.”

If you’re afraid you might disappoint others by turning down their request, remember that when you do too much, the quality of your contribution is minimized. You’re letting yourself and your family down more when you take on too much.

  1. Prioritize your tasks. Before you go to bed each night, make a list of the three top things you want to accomplish the next day. Make a second list of things you’d like to accomplish, but they aren’t critical.

Avoid doing items on the second list until the first list is complete.

  1. Schedule time to do the most important items. If it’s important to complete a certain task, decide exactly when to do it. These appointments should be bordering on sacred. Nothing should get in the way. Turn off your phone and stay off the internet!
  2. Slow down. Going a little slower won’t decrease the amount you accomplish. Rushing is just wallowing in nervous energy that makes you tired, less effective, and prone to mistakes. Smile and breathe. Everything is easier if you simply slow down.
  3. Try single-tasking. Multi-tasking has been shown to be a less efficient way to work. Focus on one task at a time. Complete it and then move on.

This is a great opportunity to hone your ability to focus.

  1. Batch the smaller tasks. When possible, have time scheduled to do all of your phone calls at once. The same goes for dealing with e-mails or any other similar task. These are great to do at the end of the day when your energy is low.
  2. Leave some space in between. It sounds counter intuitive, but you can get more done if you take a short break between tasks. Have a drink of water and move around a little bit. Breaks are important. Relax.

It’s not necessary to cram one task right on top of another.

Making your day as simple as possible is almost magical. By focusing on the most important items each day, you eliminate a lot of clutter in your life and your mind. You’ll feel much more peaceful and get more of the important tasks accomplished. Get started today and your days will become more simple and more enjoyable.

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